Field Day 2021 at Lock Two Park on June 26-27th. The Nashville Amateur Radio Club has received permission from Metro Parks to hold field day at Lock Two Park and stay overnight. Start getting your radio equipment ready for an exciting and fun event.
We will have a Get On The Air (GOTA) station setup. Stop by and get on the air. Our club members will be operating SSB (Voice), CW (Morse code) and Digital station. See the many different ways to communicate using amateur radio. We welcome the public any time during our 24 hour operation.
We will have public demonstrations on the Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (AREDN), mesh networking, mobile VOIP phones, IP surveillance cameras, APRS tracking, weather monitoring and measurement, and Starlink satellite internet.
We will need help with set up of the big antenna on the trailer and getting other antennas in the air. Also, we will need volunteers for Safety Officer, Overnight Security, contacting Media sources and of course manning the GOTA station. Please let Monvel, K9FQ know how you would like to help. You can sign up to participate at this link.