Field Day was held at the clubhouse Saturday June 24 – Sunday June 25. We had over 20 hams participate by helping setup, tear down and operate stations throughout the day on Saturday. Operating modes included VHF/UHF. voice/SSB. digital, CW and satellite. We had a total of 12 visitors stop by, including two hams from Pennsylvania who were in town for the NASCAR races at Nashville Speedway and stopped by. They ended up staying over half the day! We also had several non-hams who stopped by and was interested in learning more. We picked up three new members out of the 12 visitors!

THANK YOU to everyone who participated in Field Day! The feedback we received from the visitors reflect the great pride in the work this club does and in its members!

One of the most visited stations was operated by two hams (non-affiliated to any club) who setup, for their first time, a completely automated satellite tracking system to make contact on the orbiting amateur radio satellites. They even heard the ISS (International Space Station) as it made a pass over Nashville. Their setup was amazing and something to see! We will invite them back in the fall to put on a demonstration of their equipment and attempt to make contacts with satellites.

Again, a BIG THANK YOU goes out to all who helped out. This was a huge success and the credit goes to everyone who participated! (Who’s up for winter field day???)

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